Course Expectations

If you need extra help, please ask! If you don’t understand something, fix it right away.

 I am in the media center during __2nd period___as the math tutor. If you aren’t able to come down then, please check to see who is in the media center during your available time. If you would like to stay after school please let me know ahead of time.


                Class blog:


Class Expectations

  1. Show respect for yourself and for your classmates.  Everyone has the right to be in the best learning environment.
  2. Be on time – be in the room by the time the bell rings.  You will receive _2__warnings and then detentions for each tardy. (Having your backpack in the room isn’t enough! Your body must be here, too.)
  3. Be prepared for class – have your assignments done and materials with you.
  4. Obey all school rules.
  5. You will be allowed _3_hall passes per grading period, so use them wisely.  You must have your planner with you in order to use a hall pass. Any unused passes for each quarter will result in bonus points.
  6. If you are absent you are expected to make up the work in the allotted number of days.  You are responsible for getting the missed assignments and notes, scheduling for missed tests or quizzes, and turning in missed work!!  All assignments and notes can be found on the class blog.
  7. Act your age.  Do not write on (my brand new!) desks, bulletin boards, walls, or even the board unless you are asked to do so.
  8. Unless you have been given express permission to have your cell phone out, please leave it turned off and put away.  I will confiscate any phones that I see being used without my consent.

Disciplinary Consequences
Offense #1:  Warning
Offense #2:  One detention
Offense #3:  Two detentions and phone call home
Offense #4:  Office referral
Anyone who severely disrupts the class will go immediately to the office.


TI-83+ (or 84) Graphing calculator                                       3-ring binder                                     Textbook                                                                                            Planner
Pencils (must be used on all tests/quizzes)       


Grades will be based on a point system.  Your percentage can be figured by dividing the number of points received by the number of points possible. Please check online regularly to keep track of your grade.  If you notice any discrepancies, let me know.

Tests and Quizzes

You may expect a test or quiz weekly, worth between 25 and 100 points.  There will be a test covering each chapter and at least one quiz per chapter.  Because it is so important that you understand (and remember) all of the material we cover, I am going to offer the opportunity to retake parts of tests or quizzes in which you are not satisfied.  In order to do this, please understand the following conditions:

            1. only on Tuesdays (either w/tutor or after school)

            2.  max 2 topics/retake

            3.  must show evidence that you’ve worked to improve understanding

            4.  must sign up by Friday before

  • I sometimes allow for a “question” day before a test or quiz.  If you miss that, be ready to take the test or quiz anyway!
  • Make-up tests and quizzes will be taken after school or during a study hall.  It is your responsibility to schedule that time. 
  • An exam will be given at the end of the first semester and a final exam at the end of the school year.  If you exempt the exam, your semester grade will be found by averaging the quarter grades.  You must pass at least two of the three opportunities (quarters and exam) to pass the semester.
  • All tests will have a previously-covered concepts section on them.
  • I do not loan out calculators for tests or quizzes.  Make sure your batteries are ready to go!

There will be a homework assignment virtually every day.  These will either be checked on a completion basis (5 pts), collected with random problems graded (5 – 10 pts), or not graded at all. 
  • Assignments may be turned in __one day late__ for half credit, but will not be accepted after that.
  • You are expected to work on math assignments during class.  After your assignment is completed, you may work on other class work.
  • Any assignments that are copied will result in zeros for ___everyone involved___.
  • I will show all of the correct answers the next day.  I expect you to check and correct your answers and ask questions when needed!
  • No work = __no credit__

I expect you to keep a 1” notebook with everything that we do.  Either organize using dividers (such as notes, homework, tests and quizzes, other activities) or chronologically.  Any math class that you take after this one will be based on much of the same material, so this notebook will be a nice resource for you.  We will have a notebook quizzes and checks throughout the year.

**If you are going to miss class because of a school-related field trip, you MUST get your assignment in advance. It is due upon your return.  If you are going to miss a test or quiz, make arrangements BEFORE the field trip to take it early or the day of your return (during a free period or after school).**